Welcome to Fit156

Training alone can be hard over the long term, finding your support network to maintain your focus and achieve your goals can be a great way to build those habits and have success.

Download it today for free and start crushing your goals.

Why use the Fit156 APP ?

In order to maintain a schedule you need a plan. The automatic schedule within Fit156 sets the pace from Day 1, this means that you will get off to the best start possible.

Motivated by Friends

Use your best buddies to keep you motivated and stay on track.

Success leads to Success

When you keep to your basic schedule something amazing happens. You see results which inspires you to continue.

Follow your Stats

By tracking your statistics you can see for yourself how much effort you have put in. Great Job!

All Sports

You may be a runner but your best buddy is a gym rat. No worries our method has you both covered.

Open platform

We do not care how your monitor your exercise and we are not bound by any other platform.

Simple progress Reports

1 pt = 30 mins of increases heart rate and we don’t care how you get there.

Fit156 as a concept, using positive reinforcement to maintain progress.

Based on the simple idea that most people are consistent in their intentions and their goals. This means when you agree to do something most people follow up on this as a commitment. Fit156 has been using this basic concept since 2016 manually tracking the progress and last year we created an APP to help us. We believe that this idea can benefit more people so now we are taking our concept on the road.

The Fit156 APP enables you to track progress on your own, log individual activities but you are also a part of a group of friends that help motivate you by seeing your progress in a simple table. Providing live updates giving you that extra nudge when your motivation levels are low. We are all winners at Fit156, the journey is the reward and for every complete challenge you are stronger and ready to go again. Why does this work?

Positive reinforcement is a powerful and effective psychological concept that plays a key role in shaping behavior and promoting learning. Rooted in the principles of operant conditioning, positive reinforcement involves the addition of a favorable stimulus to strengthen a desired behavior, making it more likely to be repeated in the future. This approach stands in contrast to punishment, as it focuses on rewarding and encouraging positive actions rather than punishing undesirable ones.

In the context of training and goal achievement, positive reinforcement becomes a valuable tool for motivating individuals to persist in their efforts. Whether applied in personal fitness, professional development, or skill acquisition, the implementation of positive reinforcement creates an environment that fosters enthusiasm, resilience, and a sense of accomplishment.

Key Principles of Positive Reinforcement:

  1. Immediate Rewards: One of the critical aspects of positive reinforcement is the timely delivery of rewards. Offering immediate positive consequences for desired behaviors reinforces the connection between the action and its favorable outcome, increasing the likelihood of recurrence.
  2. Individualized Approach: People are motivated by different things, and effective positive reinforcement considers individual preferences and values. Tailoring rewards to align with personal interests enhances their motivational impact, ensuring that individuals find intrinsic value in their efforts.
  3. Consistency: Consistency is essential in positive reinforcement. Regularly acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviors helps establish a routine and reinforces the association between the action and its positive consequences. This consistency contributes to the formation of lasting habits.
  4. Clear Communication: Transparent communication is crucial in positive reinforcement. Clearly outlining the desired behavior, the associated rewards, and the criteria for success helps individuals understand what is expected of them, making the reinforcement process more effective.

Effective Application in Training Goals:

  1. Goal Setting: Positive reinforcement aligns seamlessly with goal-setting strategies. Breaking down larger objectives into smaller, achievable milestones allows for more frequent opportunities to apply positive reinforcement, keeping individuals motivated throughout their journey.
  2. Celebrating Progress: Acknowledging and celebrating even small achievements plays a pivotal role in maintaining motivation. Whether it’s reaching a fitness milestone, mastering a new skill, or meeting a professional target, celebrating progress reinforces the connection between effort and success.
  3. Social Support: Positive reinforcement can also be implemented socially. Encouragement, praise, and recognition from peers, mentors, or trainers create a supportive environment that fosters a sense of community and shared success, contributing to long-term commitment to training goals.

In conclusion, positive reinforcement serves as a powerful and constructive approach to training, offering a motivational framework that not only enhances learning but also contributes to the maintenance of training goals. By understanding the principles and effectively applying positive reinforcement strategies, individuals can cultivate a positive mindset, making the pursuit of their goals a rewarding and fulfilling journey.

“Get it done”